Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Five: The CAFO System Thesis Statement

The CAFO system has no regard for human and animal life; it doesn’t care for the safety and rights of the living creatures involved in the process of “making” food. The CAFO system barely holds a distinction between humans and the animals in these factory farms- where workers are held in a slightly more “respectable”, for a lack of a better term, position due to their ability to slaughter the animals. Although it is not even that notable, and as one worker confessed to Robert Kenner the director of the movie “Food INC.”, “They have the same mentality towards workers as they do towards the hogs… You know, the hog, they don't really have to worry about their comfort because they're temporary. They're gonna be killed. And they have the same viewpoint to the worker. You're not worried about the longevity of the worker because, to them everything has an end.” It wouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that this was how all workers in such an environment felt, and this is the fault of supervisors responsible for their safety. Workers are dispensable because the employees are usually illegal immigrants and/or de-skilled, meaning they are trained to do only one task therefore can be replaced quite easily. Supervisors have no regard for the safety and rights of living creatures. This factory system in turn has consequences that affect the health of our life. Factory farms condone the behavior of many humans to abuse animals' right to a painless death, and these poor creatures are subjected to abuses from their birth to death. Animals are taken for granted, they are just protein products and can therefore be starved and beaten because the justification is that they exist solely for our consumption. People who have to work under these conditions are often desensitized to the working conditions, and abuse these animals because they feel no remorse since they are treated just as these animals are. The ecosystem is constantly affected by our decisions and it is being destroyed by the people that provide us with meat. All the animals in factory farms, plus the workers that refuse to take care of animals leads to a very polluted environment. This is because animal wastes are not disposed of or efficiently gotten rid of. We choose to be a nation that promotes the abuse of animals and humans, as well as our ecosystem without even knowing it. Our naivety had lead us to a world where eating meat has turned us into uncaring and basically barbaric human beings.

1 comment:

  1. Your thesis statement has a great argument.
    Your blog is really good, I just noticed a few things you could change. In setence three you have a extra comma. I think you could edit sentence six and seven. Great choice with the the quote from Food Inc. Longevity looks like a keyword you may want to define it.You may also want to define Desensitized this seems to be a keyword.You don't have paragraphs you should revised and indent exactly where you want them to start. I can't really evaluate your topic sentences because I'm not sure where they start.
